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Showing posts from April, 2020

Back to the past

Back to the past: How fun it was watching time traveling movies the mystic places, real heroes, a sci-fi vehicle alongside a beautiful partner it's just wow. By watching those we too wanted to be part of that, well that sound great in 90's because we didn't knew how the future is going to be. Life would have been fantastic if it was a science fiction movie but no it ain't,yes it's the bitter reality we are facing right now sitting whole day and night thinking when things gonna be alright. But the more time is passing it's being more and more worse. We all had hoped a future like zombie apocalypse, yeah you read that right. We could just be outside our house a loaded gun, knives, sword and all that kind of stuff; means a really badass human before dying. At least we could have experienced something before dying but that still is a part of Hollywood fiction. So that's what it is we don't have any choice as no any human ever had. #blog #backtothepast ...