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Showing posts from September, 2018

Satanism -(lll)

New world order  Illuminati  Founded in May 1,1776 this secret society oppposes superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life and abuse of state power. It is often alleged to conspire and control world affairs by masterminding events and planting agents in government and cooperation to establish new world order and gain further political power and influence.  Their shadows are to be depicted in novels, movies, television shows, cartoons and music video.  Most of world major event including battle of Waterloo, the French revolution and assassination of President John F.  Kennedy are said to be done by Illuminati.  To control the subconscious mind of people and to bring all under one law and one religion (Satanism) is the aim of Illuminati. Most of influential people have been controlled by Illuminati which in turn controls other people.  In a nutshell we follow our idols such as actors, singers, rappers e...

Satanism (ll)

In recent times Satanism has begun to form a widespread religion.  This satanic activities are being run by secret societies. These secret societies practices evil deeds and make people do evil practices. Subconscious mind of many great people such as musicians, actors, singers,rappers,politicians and many businessman has been controlled by these secret societies.  This is a kind of game being played upon human. Many people have reportedly confess their relationship with these secret societies. Most of them have confess that they have sold their souls to devil in order to get what they want. Making many media, movies ,music, video as their way to influence the world these secret societies have came out to bring new world order.  Next part publishing soon.. ............ 

Life is a journey (ll)

And the journey continues Brahmaputra river view from saraighat bridge India's biggest river passing through Assam, originating from lap of north east Himalayas,Brahmaputra carries a lot of life with it.All major towns including biggest city of North East Guwahati are settled in bank of river Brahmaputra. The natural beauty within the river is breathtaking .Dusk and Dawn time when the sky carries a little of smoke with it it's view is mesmerizing. Besides the settlement of town and cities Brahmaputra has five inbuilt bridges over it connecting all Assam divided by the river. Two bridges in Guwahati one being rail cum road bridge.  Saraighat bridge built over river Brahmaputra  Me analyzing the iron bars of this mega structure  Having world's largest and smallest river island Majuli and Umananda respectively on this river is yet another fascinating fact about it .Passing through whole north east this great water source ends up in Bay of Bengal resting al...


                            SATAN The view of as a God like being that is deserving of worship as a hero . Devil God - Lucifer  The origin of Satanism are hard to trace but the concept is believed to have first appeared in Europe around 12th and 13th century. Part of the difficulty in dating the practice is due to the fact that many people in history have been accused of forms of Satanism - such as those put on trial for witchcraft during the 16th and 17th centuries but it is generally thought unlikely that many of them participated in devil worship.                       Baphomet -half goat half man In Satanism Lucifer is termed as God of Satan which is half goat and half man. Satanism become more popular in 18th century and many people started a anti Christian group which celebrate black mass, offer animal sacrifice and so on.  Pe...

Life is a journey (l)

Dusk a moment natural beauty  Sunset view at  Brahmaputra river (Guwahati, Assam) Nature's beauty is eternal. The moment when we see the natural beauty fill life into us. Body is filled with dust and smoke and soul is drowning in sin and greed. This is the most painful thing in today's life yet true. So whenever we see a moment of natural beauty it refreshes our body and purify our minds. People travel to find the place where they could find peace and happiness but it lies within our soul. Dusk is the time when sun is saying bye and night welcome with a smile. This moment is between bright and dark where everything seems to be flawless. Rushing whole day in search of happiness and laying down in sad disgrace has become the daily routine but one small view of nature can give us more happiness and peace than so called modernized life.  To my viewers :Life is a journey is a new post from our website Homotechnios. Blogspot. Com where we will be posting images of nature...

King Ramses II and Mummy

I am lord of eternity in the crossing of the sky  Egyptians sought to preserve the body after death, fearing that the wandering soul might be lost if it had no corpse to return to. Mummification ,preparing the body of the dead by removing perishable internal organs and emblaming the remains, was a practice originally confined to royalty. Poor people buried their dead in the sand, which inhibited decay.  In later times, many Egyptians were mummified and buried in coffins on which spells were inscribed to ward off evil and launch the spirit safely on its heavenly journey.  Ramses II PHARAOH  OF EGYPT  It was not uncommon for Egyptian kings to have numerous wives and offspring, but Ramses II went to extreme by fathering more than 100 children during his regime.  King Ramses II  His principal wife, Queen Neferatri, had to share him with many secondary wives including her sister . Secondary wives sometimes lived together with their children ...

Maya mili na raam

माया मिली न राम वो  चला देख इन्सान अधें नगर की गलि बेसुध अपनी धुन में दुनियाँ बाहें पसारे खडी  सिने में ले जुनून जब तक उमर न ढली  पैसे को माना खुदा चाहत रही हमेशा बढी माथे पर लिखा है जो बस उतनी ही सबको मिली  फिर भी न समझा इन्सान  माया में ले लेता जान अपनी राहों से अनजान  खाते रहा अपनी पहचान  पहुँचा जब वो पच्चतर में  आधा शरीर जब हो कबर में  पुछे खुद से यही बार बार  क्या मिला मुझे इतने साल सहमा, तनहा अकेला  छोड़ दिया दुनिया का मेला  शर्माया, पछताया, घबराया  अब सर पिटे सुबह शाम  माया मिली न राम  सिमटा है मानव का चित्र संसार है यहाँ  विचित्र  कोडियो में बिकता चरित्र  कोर न शत्रु न मित्र  नोटो का मोहताज भविष्य  धन दौलत ही है लक्षय  पार कर परीक्षा हो जा पवित्र  माया की जंजीर और बेडियाँ लोभ में तृप्त मजबुरियाँ क्रोधित, हताश, बेहाल पुछे खुद से यही बार बार  क्या मिला मुझे इतने साल  सहमा तनहा अकेला  छोड़ दिया दुनिया का मेला  शर्माया, घ...

Go kill your grandfather

"In our version of time travel, paradoxical situations are censored. The grandfather is a tough guy to kill.  Grandfather paradox is a theory which state that if you could go back in time and kill your grandfather ,your mom dad couldn't be born not letting you to exist in this world. This is a paradox cause no one could go back in time and kill own grandfather. The grandfather paradox has been used to argue that backward time travel must be impossible . One time traveler if goes back in time, say, three years also suffer being displaced by three light years.  Perhaps if anyone did go back in time, the law of probability would so conspire against them as to make their task of doing away with a grandparent nigh on impossible.  The idea of time travel has been put forward many times through many theories. Many research are also being made but the mystery has not been solved yet. This is something a great challenge for science. Many time travel movies are made...

The dark dark universe

Observable sky is what we can see such as sun, stars, planets,asteroids,meteors ,gas, dust, Galaxy and more but this comprises only one sixth of total mass of universe. Then what forms the rest ? Scientists know there must be more out there that can't be seen but the unseen substance has gravity and appears to be holding the parts of universe. As the unseen matter doesn't emit radiation scientist call it dark matter .It is believed dark matter constitute 95 percent of total mass.  Dark matter includes cold dark matter, weakly interactive massive particles, heavy hypothetical particles that rarely interact with other matter an massive compact halo objects. This dark matter give rise to another topic black hole.  Black hole- A black hole forms when a large dying star collapses. The gravity created by this condensing particle overpower any outward forces including light. Although a black hole emits no light its presence is detectable by radioastronomy equipment .Its ex...


Every action has a consequence that go beyond a mere human lifetime.  Karma is a law of causality that first appeared in the Upanishads ,the sacred text of Hinduism. Karma is also key concept in Buddhism and Jainism.  The term Karma means "action "in Sanskrit and refers to the idea that every action has a set of causes and effects. Ethically when someone commits an evil acquire Karma, when someone commits good they cancel out Karma.  In Buddhism life is characterized by suffering :the main goal is to eradicate karma and attain nirvana the point where karma is nullified. In Hinduism karma is the set of all sin committed through lifetime and determines the rebirth will be either in higher class or lower class of society. It's like as you acquire karma (evil) you suffer a miserable life further and you eradicate karma you live a good life. It also says sins and evils are always punished and good deed are rewarded.  Due to prevalance of Hinduism and Buddhism ...

Is our end near?

Neocatastrophism is an idea which claims that our planet and its inhabitants have been shaped by cataclysmic events. Stating that the gradual change in earth has been a result of asteroid crashing into earth.  This theory had been put forward by Luis Alvarez and his son Walter which got published on science journal and won them a Nobel Prize. Their published note state that dinosaurs, indeed the whole of Cretaceous Tertiary mass extinction was caused by an asteroid crashing into earth. The estimation of that asteroid was about 10 km in diameter.10 years later of publication a crater was discovered near Chicxulub, Mexico.   In fact NASA has warned an asteroid larger than London's iconic Big Ben clock tower will whizz past the planet at incredible speed next week. According to US space agency, Asteroid QU1 will make a so called "Earth close Approach "on Tuesday, September 11.Asteroid QU1 will zip by at speed of around 12.52km per second .Asteroid QU1 will fl...

Top ten richest person of world

Wealth is something that everyone wants to acquire throughout their lifetime .It always seems to be less what we have achieve in our life. Many people fail in acquiring wealth and spend their life in misery while some due to their extreme hardwork and extraordinary talent become successful in life. Here is the list of top ten richest person of world in 2018. 1.Jeff Bezos  Jeffery Preston Bezos is an American technology entrepreneur, investor and founder, chairman and CEO of Amazon, the world's largest online retailer .On November 2017 he surpassed US$100 billion for the first time and was formally designated the wealthiest person in the world.  Born-January 12,1964 Residence -U S Net worth -US $164.7 billion  2.Bill Gates  William Henry Gates lll is an American business magnate,investor,author and principal founder of Microsoft Corporation. From 1995 to 2017 he held the Forbes title of the richest person of the world .With an estimated net worth of $89.9 bil...