We Indians are recognized by the world for our diverse culture and India is recognized for its incredible beauty. But here are some slides which will show how different are Indians from rest of the world.
1. Clicking pics
This picture shows how sincerely a foreigner clicks photo in front of Taj Mahal and how we Indian click
2. Obeying rules
In foreign country people abide by the rules but in India we never do it as we can see in the picture.
3. Our Cops their cops 👮
It is very sad to see law being broked by those who are there to maintain it.
Garbage in foreign countries are loaded in closed vehicle but here vehicle carry garbage openly releasing smell everywhere . People living in urban areas usually suffer it 😂.
5.Police Duty
People here will do everything before recruiting in Police service and do nothing after getting it. Fit police officer of foreign and our police officers sitting ideal .
6. Accident reaction
The picture says it all.
7. We have more gold
Whether they may have won gold in Olympics and other games but literally speaking we have more gold in our houses then them. Bappi da ranks top in this .
8. Award ceremony
While they take Award function so seriously and sincerely we just make fun of it doing nonsense in stage
9. Airline services
This is something our Air hostess should be tagged in.
10. Being yourself
This is the most important point which is being ignored since time. Our parents don't let us to be ourself but force to be like Sharma uncle's son which we have never seen and has been ruining our life since time.
So, friends this is the rap up of our post. For more information and humor do view our YouTube channel
Homo Technios
1. Clicking pics
This picture shows how sincerely a foreigner clicks photo in front of Taj Mahal and how we Indian click
2. Obeying rules
In foreign country people abide by the rules but in India we never do it as we can see in the picture.
3. Our Cops their cops 👮
It is very sad to see law being broked by those who are there to maintain it.
Garbage in foreign countries are loaded in closed vehicle but here vehicle carry garbage openly releasing smell everywhere . People living in urban areas usually suffer it 😂.
5.Police Duty
People here will do everything before recruiting in Police service and do nothing after getting it. Fit police officer of foreign and our police officers sitting ideal .
6. Accident reaction
The picture says it all.
7. We have more gold
Whether they may have won gold in Olympics and other games but literally speaking we have more gold in our houses then them. Bappi da ranks top in this .
8. Award ceremony
While they take Award function so seriously and sincerely we just make fun of it doing nonsense in stage
9. Airline services
This is something our Air hostess should be tagged in.
10. Being yourself
This is the most important point which is being ignored since time. Our parents don't let us to be ourself but force to be like Sharma uncle's son which we have never seen and has been ruining our life since time.
So, friends this is the rap up of our post. For more information and humor do view our YouTube channel
Homo Technios