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Showing posts from December, 2018

How did this just happen ?

There are some pictures over the internet which make us think how did it just happened . In our new post we have brought you some of the pictures which will shuffle your mind for a while. How did this tyre get inside the tree. How did this cube get inside the bottle. At first look it seems to be something strange but that's the skeleton of a stingray. Tree growing over soil is normal but tree growing from a stone is something strange. This very long structure is a blade of wind turbine . Hard to determine their sitting position.

At the age of 30 body will start weakening if you do these things

Health                                                          Most of the time nowadays girls and boys  have many bad habits that make their body very weak and sluggish, and if the person does not change these habits as soon as possible, then due to these habits,One's body will be very weak. That is why today we are going to tell about the three things which should not be done at all after getting up in the morning. In today's world, many people have a habit that they use their mobile as soon as they rise in the morning, which is a bad habit because in the morning, the eyes are very weak and in such a situation, when a person uses mobile the most impact of the  mobile is on the eyes, due to which the probability of getting worse eyesight increases substantially, that is why mobile usage at morning should be prohibited....

5 Reasons why BJP loose in 2018 Vidhan sabha election in 5 states

Results of Vidhan sabha election for Madhya Pradesh, Rajsthan, Chattisgarh, Mizoram and Telangana are out and BJP has lost in each state. MP, Rajsthan and Chattisgarh are lead by Congress whereas MNF(Mizo National Front)  has won in Mizoram and TRS (Telangana Rashtra Samithi)  has won in Telangana. After the results ruling party is in shock and here is a short analysis of why BJP loose in the election. 1. Hindu - Muslim Communalism Present ruling party always focused on religious issues and made it a nationwide attention. Discrimination on the basis of religion is always an issue for the government. This is the main reason why public are fed up with BJP. 2. Fake Pledge Modi led BJP government have always given public a fake assurance and never fulfilled their vow. Insensible decision and fake vow led to the downfall of this government. 3. Nonsensical Gimmick With Yogi Adityanath in power gimmick is going on in the government . Public are been diverted to nonsen...

Election Results

2018 Vidhan Sabha Election Results  1. Chattisgarh  2. Madhya Pradesh  3. Rajsthan  4. Mizoram  5. Telangana  Assam Panchayat Election  The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has continued to lead in Assam panchayat election 2018. The party has so far won 858 Gram Panchayat Member seats. The Congress party, on the other hand, has won 455. In Anchalik Panchayat Member seats, BJP has won 23 seats while the Congress has only won eight seats. In Gram Panchayat President seats, BJP has bagged 41 seats. BJP is enjoying good support at grassroot level in Assam as it has won 1319 seats so far. Congress has bagged 671 while Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) has secured victory on 230 seats. AIUDF has won on 59 seats while 190 seats have gone to other candidates.

Once Upon a Deadpool': Film Review ( in Hindi)

जब मैं एक बच्चा था, तो आर-रेटेड फिल्मों को देखने में सक्षम नहीं होने का समाधान (मान लीजिए कि आपने केवल चुपके नहीं किया है, या अपने माता-पिता को लेने के लिए) वीडियो रिलीज की प्रतीक्षा करनी थी। डेडपूल 2 देर से गर्मियों के बाद से विभिन्न डिस्क और स्ट्रीमिंग प्लेटफार्मों पर बाहर निकल गया है, उन डिजिटल युग युवाओं के लिए उपलब्ध है जो मई में डेविड लीच की फिल्म रिलीज होने के बाद एक समुद्री डाकू संस्करण को आसानी से धारण करने के लिए बहुत उत्साहित थे  सिद्धांत रूप में, हालांकि, किशोर प्रशंसकों की एक छोटी संख्या बनी हुई है, जो दोनों ए) ऐसे नियम-अनुयायी हैं, वे आर-रेटेड ब्लू-रे पर एक झांक नहीं छीनेंगे, और बी) रयान रेनॉल्ड्स को देखने के लिए एक पापी इच्छा को बरकरार रखेगा। पैसा-खनन एंथिरो अपनी बात करते हैं। उन लोगों के लिए, अब हमारे पास एक बार डेडपूल है - जो पीजी -13 रेटिंग के साथ रिलीज होने के लिए पर्याप्त हिंसा और गंदगी को संपादित करता है। यह डेडपूल है, हालांकि, नकद हथियार एक विंक और पसलियों के लिए एक कोहनी के साथ आता है। रेनॉल्ड्स और उनकी पॉप संस्कृति-समझदार सहयोगी यहां डेडपूल 2 के तबाही की प...

Biggest Tech mistakes which changed their lives

In any situation in  life we make some mistakes ,some mistakes turns out to be good for us but many of the mistake's outcome is worse. But here we have brought you some biggest Tech mistakes which changed life of some person or organization forever. Marvel Marvel was once in debt in it's initial time and offered Sony corporations to buy all it's character worth $25 millions but Sony refused and bought only Spider Man at $10 million. After that time Marvel other characters are superhit and it is a billion dollars company. Netflix During the time of CD, in USA a CD rental franchise Blockbuster was very famous. In that time Netflix offered blockbuster to buy it but to their bad luck they rejected the offer. As internet developed CD business started to downfall whereas Netflix grew to it's extent and is worth  $92 billion . Now Blockbuster have only one store open across whole USA. Microsoft and Apple In 1973 some engineers of Xerox Inc  developed a...

Wrestlers who killed people in real

Lifestyle Looking at the wrestlers who wrestle, we have the desire to get a body like them. But these superstars who have thrilled the audience with their move in the ring have to face difficulties, tell that throwing them off the ring and knocking each other unbearable Feel the rate but by forgetting this pain, they only fight for our entertainment. But it affects its personal life because of it These superstars begin to use drugs, etc. Wrestlers whose career has been stained due to some reasons I will talk about today's wrestlers in this article who killed people unconsciously and deliberately.  1. Chris Benoit  Chris Benoit was once a superstar of his time. He murdered his wife Nancy and their seven years old son Daniel and hanged himself after murdering them. WWE has erased his name from their history  after this incident. What may be the reason but this was a saddening news for all WWE fans. 2.The Great Khali  Indian wrestling superstar Dalip Singh ...

Most expensive movies ever made

Movies In present context movies has become an integral part of our lives. Most of us love watching movies. Among all movies and entertainment industry Hollywood is on top which fact is undoubtedly true, so are Hollywood movies. Being in top indicates that these movies must be made on high cost with excellent screenplay and brilliant effects. These list of top class movies is literally very long but we have brought you top ten expensive movies ever made whose sum may leave our mouth open for a while. These movies are must watch movies once in a lifetime . Here's the list of top ten expensive movies ever made.  1. Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides  Release - 2011 Total Budget - $ 412 millions  ( IRs - 2884 crores)  2. Avengers : Age Of Ultron  Release -  2015 Total Budget - $377 millions ( IRs 2639 crores)  3. Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End  Release - 2007  Total Budget - $355 millions (IRs - 248...

Avengers 4 trailer all set to release on Friday

Movies If you are a real Marvel fan then there's a mind blowing news for you. Marvel has all set to release Avengers 4 trailer on Friday  7 November, 7:30 p. m.  as per IST. The movie was to be released on Wednesday but as US government declared a National Day of mourning for former president George W. Bush, Disney pushed the date a couple of days further.  Several tweets from entertainment industry insiders and writers point to Friday as the release day of teaser trailer of Avengers 4. Another good news is that Sony pictures will also release Spider Man : Far from home trailer on Saturday . Spider Man : far from home poster  If all goes per plan with the release of second Captain Marvel trailer on 3rd December, Marvel will be releasing 3 trailers in same week.  Captain Marvel opens March 8,2019 worldwide which would be followed by Avengers 4 on May 3, 2019 and Spider Man : Far From Home releases July 5, 2019.

The future is Red

Billions of stars, billions of planets and billions of galaxies, ever expanding universe and only living planet earth . With an unmesearuable and enormous ever expanding universe our earth is just a dot which could be barely seen from many light years away. Life exists only in earth with human inhabitants . With more than 7 billion crowd scientist believe that people have to find another place for human settlement. Earth's neighbouring planet with many similarities Mars is said to be the new planet for human settlement.  NASA has planned a 1100 days journey to space in 2028 which would further help to find out the possibilities of living in Mars. Mars colonization's revolutionary idea was also put forward by Elon Musk CEO and founder of SpaceX a private space agency company. SpaceX is trying to make space journey accessible to every common people and making the fictional idea of Mars colonization into reality . SpaceX headquarters ,USA  Mars has atmosphere with 0.1% ...

2.0 movie warning turns out to be true

Watching 2.0 movie in theaters was fun, isn't it ? But except the fun there was a deep message and warning to people. Villain of the movie PakshiRajan (Akshay Kumar) kills people for destroying the existence of birds and succeeds in some extent but my dear friends there is no-one in real life who will fight for our little winged friends. A heart throbbing news has come from Hague, Netherlands where during a 5G test hundreds of birds fell of trees in a nearby park. 5G technology  During the test of 5G in first wave some birds fell off from trees. After sometime hundred birds fell down. Park authorities were shocked to see that and began to find out the real reason for the deaths. At last people find out that it was due to test of 5G technology which was being test at a peak frequency of 7.3 GHz . This caused the death of 297 birds. Radiation due to telecom towers has become a main reason for the deaths of birds around the world. The development of technology is in it...

Extreme weather around the globe

Waking up in the morning when the sun shines bright is a really good start for the day, but in the world there are some places which have extreme weather conditions which could blow our mind. So let's have a look at 5 places around the world with extreme weather conditions.  1. Extreme Cold Place  Dome Fuji, Antarctica hold the record of coldest place on earth with a heart freezing temperature of -93.2•C.  2. Extreme Hot Place  Temperature goes to a iron melting level in many parts around the globe but the highest temperature recorded till now is in Death Valley ,California, US in 1913 which was 56.7 degrees. An average of 47 degrees is the temperature during summer. Death Valley apparently pushed the limit of human survival.  3.Extreme Wet Place  Life wouldn't be easy when you have to spread leaves to avoid roof deafening sound caused by rain. With a annual rainfall of more than 11,000 millimeters Mawsynram of Meghalaya, India hold the we...