Health Most of the time nowadays girls and boys have many bad habits that make their body very weak and sluggish, and if the person does not change these habits as soon as possible, then due to these habits,One's body will be very weak. That is why today we are going to tell about the three things which should not be done at all after getting up in the morning.
In today's world, many people have a habit that they use their mobile as soon as they rise in the morning, which is a bad habit because in the morning, the eyes are very weak and in such a situation, when a person uses mobile the most impact of the mobile is on the eyes, due to which the probability of getting worse eyesight increases substantially, that is why mobile usage at morning should be prohibited.
Bathing is a good habit because bathing cleans the body's filth and cleanses the body healthy but many people do not know that after rising in the morning, one shouldn't take bath at all, because the temperature of the body is very high when rising in the morning. And it also causes many diseases in the body due to bathing immediately, that is why we always take bath after 20 minutes of morning wake.
Nowadays, most people start the morning with tea or coffee, but many people do not know that in empty stomach we should not drink tea or coffee, but after getting up in the morning, one should drink two or three glasses of water, only after that tea or coffee should be taken .